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What’s So Gay About Greece?

Why is Greece a great place for travel? Well, it doesn’t hurt that Greece has some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and that some of them–especially Mykonos–have a wild gay club scene. But there is another, fascinating level to Greece for the gay traveler, because travel to Greece is all about its ancient culture and the glorious ruins it left behind.

And that culture was about the gayest culture ever! Many cultures through history have allowed male-male relations, but only a few have praised them to the skies—but according to the Greeks, it was from his male lover that a young man learned all the essential masculine virtues, like courage, self-restraint, and loyalty. Really, only in Ancient Greece can you talk about gay gods and heroes.

And though evidence on the female side is less rich, still Sappho did sing her poems about the women she loved on the island of Lesbos. So all in all, you couldn’t find a country with a more interesting gay past, more art inspired by gay love—and of course there are still the gorgeous beaches….

Learn more about our upcoming art history tour of Gay Greece

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay
A gay Jewish hero in Nazi Berlin

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